Trivia Night – Our annual trivia night is always well-attended so look out for information regarding this event as the season gets underway.
Old Boys Day – a celebration of past Rosellas, Life Members and the history of the club.
DoubleWicket competition – Get dressed in fancy costume and play against your teammates and have fun and relaxed day at at Harker Oval. A good time for all.
Annual Presentation Night – Always a great night to draw a close to the season with 100+ attending is usually held in May.
Back to Harker BBQ’s – The committee is working on ways to have all teams come back to Harker Oval after Saturday’s play to enjoy a BBQ and beverage. Recognising the number of young members in the club, we believe the open spaces of Harker Oval together with some entertainment (music, sport equipment) will appeal to players and families.